
Variables in k0nfig are a powerful feature that allows you to store user inputs, selections, or values read from files, and then reuse them throughout your configuration. Variables are declared with a dollar sign prefix ($) and are referenced using the same syntax.s

Variable Syntax

Variables are declared and assigned values in operations like input, select, or readJSON. To reference a variable's value in your operations, use the syntax $variableName.


1. Using Variables in Paths

Assign a value to a variable named projectName then use the variable $projectName in another operation

  "op": "input",
  "title": "Enter your project name:",
  "defaultValue": "my-app",
  "value": "$projectName",
  "actions": [
      "op": "add",
      "remoteSrc": "/templates/",
      "targetSrc": "./$projectName/"

2. Using Variables in Content

  "op": "add-import",
  "targetSrc": "./src/index.ts",
  "content": "import { $componentName } from './components/$componentName';"

3. Using Variables in Content

  "op": "conditional",
  "condition": "$useTypescript === 'true'",
  "then": [],
  "else": []